7 months- will only nurse to sleep


So my baby has never been a good sleeper. Throughout her entire life, the easiest way to get her down has been to nurse her. Although she wakes up often, she was usually easy to get to sleep.

So the past couple of weeks, her sleeping had gotten progressively worse. She has been waking up (in her crib) and screaming until I nurse her. We have tried other ways of soothing her, letting her cry for 15 minute increments, pacifier, etc. She has a full belly, teething gel, sometimes Motrin if she’s really upset, nice warm sleep sack, etc. Yet the only thing that quiets her is nursing. I started taking her into my bedroom a week ago because I was so exhausted and it was the only way to get her back to sleep. I would nurse her until I thought she was sleeping, then put her back down only for her to start screaming again.

Now, even while in bed with me, she wants to nurse constantly. When I take the boob away, she starts crying. I’m at a loss. I’m so exhausted. I’m barely able to stay awake at work the past few days. When her dad tries to help me, it just pisses her off even more. She will cry for up to two hours (probably more but I always give in).

I have no idea what to do other than to let her cry and get used to the idea that I’m not going to nurse her all the time. But I hate to hear her cry (especially the loud wailing cry). But I know she just wants to cuddle and nurse.