Ovary attached to uterine wall and TTC


Hey ladies.. me and my fiancé (soon to be hubby in 8 days). Have been TTC since late July. After no luck, absent period and a lot of pain(including intimacy). I decided to go get a check up which turned into seeing a specialist. He did a vaginal ultra sounds and informed me that my right ovary is actually attached to my uterine wall. Although he isn’t 100% positive why this is. He is suggesting it could be endometriosis. He prescribed me provera which induced a period and told me I would need to start fertility drugs if I was serious about trying for a baby. With all this being said I was curious if anyone of you ladies on here have either or both ovaries attached to the uterine wall and if you had any success in conceiving. I’m trying to stay hopeful but these negative test are wearing me down...