*long post* Angry upset and don't know what to do anymore


Been with my man for 4 year. Got a soon to be 3 year old and currently ten weeks pregnant.

I just feel so sad and angry and hurt all the time. I doubt he is honest with my about a lot of stuff. He is going through a court case right now and it's so difficult.

I feel in our whole time together there has always been something against us (my past, social work, mental health, addiction, mistrust, cheating and liars which lead to this court case, then social work again)

This court case is tearing us apart. We are reliving something that happened a year and a half ago. And I am finding out things I didn't know before but was led to believe I knew everything?

I just feel like I give up on life. I question if I can do this anymore. Sometimes I just imagine not being here, how life would be for him and my daughter.

I'm scared to ask for help as we have been through social work twice for different reasons and we were signed off in September. I'm scared that they will try take her away. My daughter is well taken care of, I keep these thoughts to myself. Everyone thinks I'm so strong minded. But in reality I feel like I'm falling apart

Sorry for the rant