Black teen in Mexico and I don't have any friends


I moved to Mexico last year and I love being here. I am 16 and in high school, but I'm online schooled. I go to church and I'm on a cheer team but I don't have any f r I e n d s. . I have people that I know but the girls on my team all go to school so we don't hang out except for practice and I'm the oldest on the team.. I want people to hang out with that are my age or older. There are a lot of expats (American, Canadians, etc) that live here but there no one my age that I've met. And my parents are strict and won't let me go to cheer if I don't clean my room or wash the dishes, so I'm feeling really alone. Does anyone know of a way to meet new friends? And ways to not feel so alone? Or does anyone live in Los Cabos, BCS?

Thanks, Jayde