Growth Spurt? Gassy Baby? Help!


Hi mommas! I'm a first time mom to a beautiful baby girl, who is exactly 1 month old today.

Today, she has been super sleepy. She is normally awake and happy for an hour or so between feedings (3 hrs between feedings). She is formula fed. She has been sleeping between feedings and if she wakes up, she's fussing.

She is also only sleeping on my chest. When I transition her to my arms or her crib, she wakes up and fusses.

She also hasn't pooped or burped today. She has had few farts. So, I'm worried she is feeling gassy or constipated.

I have done bicycle legs at each diaper change.

I spend a lot of time burping her (patting her back, rubbing her back, burping on my shoulder, sitting upright, and laying on her tummy across my lap). Nothing has worked.

Should I be worried? Or is her sleeping this much normal? Is there anything else I can try for gas?

I am feeling very tired and emotional today. I'm worried something is wrong with my baby girl.