Eating Struggles


(Long post, sorry and thank you in advance for reading!)

The last two days, my girl has been extremely difficult to feed. She's formula fed.

She'll drink a little and then she goes rigid and whines and turns her head away. We stop and let her sit for a little bit but it just continues each time we offer more. She's taking almost an entire hour, it not more to finish most her bottles. Two days ago, I had switched from #1 to #2 nipples (Avent). Yesterday when she started acting up, I thought maybe it was due to the nipple change so I went back to #1s last night and continued them today.

I was able to get her to eat one of her bottles today when I offered it in a different room. She was distracted a little and looked around a lot but she continued to eat at least. We usually fed her in the same room, same chair. Maybe she's tired of the room?

I don't know if it's related but earlier this week, she started taking her pacifier again. I've offered it in lieu of her bottle a couple times and she doesn't seem to mind it. Maybe this has something to do with it?

Maybe a teething thing? Nothing has popped thru yet but she loves chewing on things and drools a lot.

She's been on the same exact formula since 1 month old (she's 5 months tomorrow). It's Similac Pro Advance. She usually eats around every 3 hours and takes 6ish oz. She consumes about 30 oz every day.

She has been learning to sit up on her own so that's been a little bit of a struggle with feeding her too - she tries to sit up a lot during her bottles but she's been like that for weeks now.

I feel like she shows some hungry signs but then she acts like this so idk what to think, other than waiting longer between feedings but I know her total intake for the day will decrease if she does that based on her sleep schedule. And because I don't think she'll drink more per time to offset going longer. But maybe I need to try. She'll definitely let me know if she's truly hungry, right?

Sorry for the long post. Just a FTM here feeling frustrated. Obviously I don't want to force her to eat but I've always worried that she's not eating enough anyway. I keep reading they should be eating 2.5 oz per lb. She weighed 16 lbs (75th percentile) at her 4-month appt, so that'd be 40 oz per day. Ahh. Any suggestions? Anyone else dealing with this?

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If she’s not hungry it’s fine, offer it again before it goes bad and if not then wait until the next feeding.


Noneya • Dec 9, 2018
The real app is amazingggg lol it’s so informative ! It tells you how they’ll be acting, what they’re learning and everything it’s crazy because my daughter always matched exactly to the app.


Kendra • Dec 9, 2018
I wondered about that too but they said it was because she's was basically dehydrated. Her poops did soften up and increase from once every other day to once a day when we did increase lol. I have a free app that's supposed to be the same as the wonder weeks (looks the same but it's full of ads) and according to that, she's been out of a leap for a week now but I might get the real app to see if it has more insights. Thanks!


Noneya • Dec 9, 2018
Feed her more when she’s going less? That sounds backwards to me lol but no she will not let herself go hungry trust me she’s fine! Also if you don’t have it on your phone already, download the app wonder weeks and it will tell you when they’re going through developmental leaps and during those their behavior can change pretty drastically