The waiting game


A little history on me. I’ve been married twice. With my first husband I had 5 miscarriages. 2 before my 1st son which is now 22, 2 after him, then came my 14 year old twin and I had one after my last son with my ex. I thought I was past all that stress until leaving my ex and meeting my husband he never had any children and really wanted them. Even though it was supposed to be unlikely we’d have the same problems the doctor I had before our 2 year old son allowed me to follow the same protocol as I’d used with all my successful pregnancies but then we moved and I miscarried twice because I couldn’t find a doctor who would in Texas until I was already miscarrying our 2nd. At 44 we decided my health was more important and we stopped trying but despite all that it happened late Oct or beginning of Nov. not sure because in oct I either had an early miscarriage or early period that lasted nine days so there’s no telling when I could have ovulated. The pregnancy showed progression in every ultrasound but no heartbeat. I have a tilted uterus so we still aren’t sure if it’s because it wasn’t there yet or if it’s because of my uterus. So I’ve been waiting 3weeks for a heartbeat and or uterus to expand I go back Wednesday and by then it should show something either way. HCG has been slowly rising and even though she started me on my previous protocol it may amount to nothing because lol I feel my age now. With my 2 year old believe it or not I was the healthiest I’d ever been and I wasn’t worried because the previous protocol had always worked. I’ve been reading everything I can find on everything we’ve seen on the ultrasounds. Pretty much driving myself nuts trying to distract myself LOL which led me here. Anyone else delivering at age 45?