I am an anti vaxxer

Yes, the title may be slightly click baity, but listen up ladies! Vaccines are actually legally titled as, “unavoidably unsafe”. What?! Say that again? Unavoidably unsafe. Look it up, research it, and protect your children. When someone questions vaccines they’re seen as loopy or unscientific, but why do the very doctors who give them to kids refuse to give them to their own? Stand up for your family and at the very least demand a safer schedule of vaccinations for your babies. Pumping them full of metals (vaccines are full of them) WILL cause autism or a regression of learning, autoimmune deficiencies, and so many other painful things that are completely unavoidable! Unlike the unavoidable unsafely of the vaccines that caused it.

Don’t take my word for it. Do your own research. There are other options than what the mainstream would absolutely love for you to believe. Money leads people to do evil things to those stupid enough to follow.


Most of those commenting are just spouting what the mainstream says once again. Did you see the line that says “ASK FOR A SAFER SCHEDULE”. Research the difference between how many vaccines were given in the 1980’s in comparison to now. I did not look up “anti vax articles” and pull from them directly. I listened to both sides of the argument for months before I was even slightly convinced vaccines might not be 100% healthy. Think about this. Doctors won’t even tell you that nutrition or lifestyle choices are what will fix your mental or physical ailments. They would rather prescribe you medications. Healthy people don’t produce income. Secondly, The title is “click baity” for a reason. I am not saying to not vaccinate your child completely, i am questioning how many vaccines, which ones, and even how many are given at a time!

A preservative is required in multi-dose vials of vaccines. That preservative is thimerosal, MERCURY. So maybe what you get out of all this, is to be careful which vaccines you give your kids. They are not all unequivocally safe. DO YOUR RESEARCH.

Side note as well: My children will be home schooled, I don’t want them around most people’s nasty ass kids anyways lmao y’all will think the same thing about mine so it don’t matter anyways😂