Everything sucks (TW)


Honestly I just need to vent I’m so sorry.

I’ve been self-harming on and off for the better part of 4/5 years, but I managed to stay clean for about a year in the middle. I’m transgender and I despise my body, literally seeing it makes me want to die or throw up or cry.

My parents have called me disgusting and wrong for being trans and everything has just been going to shit since I was 13 and I’m fuckin sick of it.

I’ve tried to/almost tried to kill myself twice this year and I’m just so done with everything I don’t want to be alive and I have no energy to do anything and I’m such a failure and I’m honestly just scared of myself at this point.

I have no one to talk to. All of my friends hate me and attack me the second I disagree with something they say/do. Tonight I hurt myself more than I ever have before and I just hate myself and everything about me and there’s nothing I can do about it I just hate everything and really don’t want to live anymore.