Not sure how I'm feeling

I'm 5 months postpartum and I just wanted to have a little bit of a mental health check in. I absolutely love my little boy and being a mom but lately I feel like it's been a little bit harder for me to feel happy each day. I also find myself worrying about things more than usual too. I feel like I have some heightened anxiety about normal life stuff but I also find myself worrying if I'm doing the right thing when it comes to being a mom while at the same time not feeling like I can change what I'm doing. For example I hated doing tummy time and I always worried about if I was being a bad mom for not doing it enough but no matter how guilty I felt I still couldn't make myself do it more. I think this is also affecting how I view my husband. I love him with every ounce of my soul and nothing could put our marriage in danger but I feel like it's been a little bit strained because of how I've been feeling. I don't feel like I'm enough for him or our son and I think it's making me feel like he's not enough for us sometimes. This is absolutely not true he's an amazing husband and father but my mind just gets like this sometimes. I'm feeling kind of confused and lonely about all of this because I look online at things about postpartum mental health and I don't identify with most of the things like wanting to hurt myself or my child or being so anxious I can't sleep but at the same time I know I don't feel like myself.