

This may help some of you ftm know if you’re going into labor or not. I’m currently 36.5 days pregnant and my husband and I decided to have sex. About an hour later I started having contractions. They weren’t painful but didn’t feel like an upset stomach either (I always get an upset stomach when I have cramps) I started timing them. They felt like really light cramps but they were consistently 1-3minutes apart for over an hour. They didn’t get stronger but they weren’t stopping. So I headed into labor and delivery. I knew it wasn’t time yet so we weren’t in a big rush because they weren’t painful yet, just noticeable. When I got there It was around midnight. I got checked and was only 1.5 cm dilated. They were getting stronger at this point. They held me there for an hour and checked again. Still no change but definitely more painful. You could see it on the monitors too. The doctor decided to keep me there for another 2 hours since they were painful and 3 minutes apart. At 3 am they checked me again. Still no change. My pain was probably at a 3. They felt like cramps but not period cramps, it was my entire uterus contracting and I knew that’s exactly what they were. They decided to keep me there for another 2 hours because I was in labor just not active labor & the nurse said that could change in an instant and they didn’t want to send me home & then have them actually start dilating me. At 5 am I still had no change and I decided to go home because I wanted to sleep plus they had slowed to around every 6 minutes instead of 3. I’m still having them today but they aren’t as painful or as consistent. Now I’m just waiting for them to get more painful before I head in again. But if you’re questions Is if it’s just pregnancy cramping or labor time then They will be consistently a few minutes apart and you will know. Even if they don’t hurt. You will still know. Hope this helps some of you who still aren’t sure! I know people say “trust your body” but that’s exactly what you should do. You will know when they aren’t just cramps and something more!