Cd3 US

So my

<a href="">IUI</a>

was canceled last cycle due to a large cyst. This CD 3 US showed that it was revolving itself (about half the size it was). I had 3 antral follicles on one side and 5 in the other. Lining 6.5. She said I had a size 12 follicle already and that it would mature and release an egg most likely. She will talk to the doctor to see if I should do clomid with TI. I decided against

<a href="">IUI</a>

bc too much going on this month (plus not sure they'd let me anyways). What is that size 12 one about??? Do I have a chance with natural conception? Is it bad to have a big one? Should I skip clomid? I think the cyst went from 30mm to15mm. It was 5 cm. Thanks!