ttc 1 year... now what?


So it was Christmas day last year that we officially started ttc. I told my husband a couple months ago that if we made it to 1 year unsuccessfully, we needed to make a decision (we talked about fostering, adoption, giving up...) because I know it takes some people way longer than a year and it still may happen for us, but I feel like we're just wasting time. Well... it looks like our "decision" is to just keep trying. 😒 My husband apparently isn't as frustrated by all of this as I am. I at least convinced him we need to talk to our doctors and find out if there's a problem. My doctor had said he couldn't help me until we'd been trying a year, so I called to make an appointment... and the next available they have isn't until April! 😫 Any suggestions? Should I try to get an appointment with a different doctor? Call a fertility clinic? Just wait? I'm getting so impatient. I just want to know if we're going to put more time into this that there's nothing wrong and there really is a chance...