How do I tell my boyfriend I can’t do it


I’m miserable, sometimes.

I’m in love, sometimes.

I can’t stand my boyfriend, sometimes

I thought my current bf was the man of my dreams. Now we’ve been together for about a year and a half, and I’m so unhappy.

We fight because I can’t get him to clean or cook or do anything for himself. He seems so helpless like a child, all the time. I feel like I have a spoiled son.

He’s a Taurus, im a Gemini. (If you know about zodiacs we aren’t compatible)

I’ve begged him to change, he will for a couple days and then it’s back fo normal once I stop complaining.

I feel mean because I constantly nag him and complain at him but it’s like he’s a small child and there’s no other way to get him to do something.

He’s 21 and I still have to remind him DAILY to brush his teeth, hair, put on deodorant and shower. 21 years old.

I don’t want to be with someone else, honestly I feel I’d be better off and able to prosper more on my own but I don’t feel like it’s just fair to leave. I know it’s not my job to raise him.

He doesn’t have a very good support system, his parents suck and his siblings are all psychos or hardcore drug users.

I just feel like I’m stuck and don’t know what to do and I just want us to both be happier