Painful IUI

I had my 3rd <a href="">IUI</a> last week and it had to be the most painful <a href="">IUI</a> i have had so far. They said my cervix had a sharp bend in it and couldnt get the catheter in. They ended up pulling my cervix straight with a teneculum and an allis. Yes it was as painful as it sounds. The entire procedure ended up taking an hour and i was crying from the pain by the end of it. The worst thing is i am not too confident that this cycle will work because i only had 1 mature follicle, which is the same as the last 2 times that failed. I am terrified of having to do another <a href="">IUI</a>. I am afraid of going through the same thing and the pain again. This is such an emotionally draining process, and i am starting to lose my optimism.