
So tomorrow is my doctors appointment just for another check up on my ovaries, and I’m officially 5 days late tomorrow for the first time in a year. I’m really nervous, I haven’t had many symptoms of pregnancy but my friends mum said with her PCOS she didn’t have many either, just felt like her period was due. I’m just really worried I’m getting my hopes up for nothing for the doctor to tell me I’m not😔, haven’t had the guts to buy a test I’ve just been waiting for this appointment to come. I feel a bit stupid writing this but I feel so different within myself, like I could sleep for 12 hours a day, i am going for a wee so often, boobs have been tender for about 3 days or so. Headaches and nausea. But I’m just worried it’s my condition again😔. Praying for our baby after 2 miscarriages last year😩😩