Do you believe a parent should pay child support if the other parent doesn’t allow you to see your child?


This maybe a hell of a touchy subject asking a lot of women this, but maybe it’ll get some good comments!

Say you and your SO split up, you decided through the split that you don’t want your child to see their mother/father or always have a reason why they can’t see their child. Do you think morally the other parent should pay child support?

No matter what the reasoning behind not allowing the parent to see their child, abusive ex, using your child as a pawn to hurt the other parent, or you just never think about the other parents visitation while planning trips/activities. Whatever the case maybe.

*this topic affects me in no way, just something I’m generally curious about from others! I just know there’s some bad dads out there who would try to cut all contact and act like they have no kids, as well as bad moms who would keep their children from the dad for no reason.

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