How would you go about this kind of a situation?


So my husbands grandmother decided it was okay to share with the family that I was pregnant before we were ready to tell people and we had asked her not to share the news. When he confronted her she basically told us it was her right as the great grandma then called me telling me how she didn’t really tell everyone even though i had the whole family telling me differently. I was upset but i did get over it because there was nothing i could do to change it. Well today we found out our baby doesn’t have a heartbeat, we are both absolutely crushed in every way. Then tonight i got on Facebook while laying in bed and i see a post from her saying how she wants us to have a girl, i was so heartbroken i broke down crying. My husband was very angry and called her but she didn’t answer, so he texted her i tried to tell him to be civil about it but he definitely wasn’t. He is ready to write her out of our lives ( this is far from the first time she’s done something like this). I’m a peacemaker at heart and i want everyone happy so i will put myself in a weird place to make others happy it’s how I’ve always been but i know she is going to call me tomorrow and i don’t have anything in me left right now to explain to another person the news we just got. I want peace in the family but she knows what she did was wrong. Years and years ago she announced my mother in law was pregnant and she had a miscarriage the day before. When we talked about how she didn’t tell everyone i asked her very nicely to just not post anything or tell anyone else until we could. Is it worth trying with her or should i just let my husband not speak to her like he wants to do?

Update: she texted my husband saying she was heartbroken she’d lost her great grandchildren and lost her grandson ( never did he say anything about that) she not once said she was sorry for what we were going through just that she was heartbroken. We have no spoken to her but i did text her yesterday when i got home from the hospital letting her know my surgery went good. For now i think that’s all i have in me to give her.