Baby was born 12/4!


My due date was 12/14, but baby girl decided to come 10 days early!

I had been kind of wet down there the day before but thought it was normal. At 2am on the 4th I got up to the bathroom and felt a little gush come out. I thought there’s no way that’s pee. So I layer back down and get back up after a few and it happened again. At that point I knew my water was leaking. Told my husband not to go to work but let him sleep until morning. I called the doctor, they said to go to L&D, got a shower, ate breakfast and while doing this I also started spotting some. the nurses confirmed my water was leaking and I was 3cm dilated. I got an epidural soon after because the doctor was going to finish breaking my water and said it could progress quick. Well it didn’t, I got put on pitocin and quickly went to a 6cm but stayed at 6 for HOURS. I had to repeat the epidural because I was still feeling contractions and even with the second I was feeling a good bit. One of the nurses got me to lay on my side completely with one leg up and OMG the pain started getting so strong I couldn’t breathe. She turned me on the other side and I was crying at this point. That’s when I felt baby’s head down there . The nurse check and her head was past the cervix. I was begging that I needed to push, I could feel her sliding out. So with 3 pushed she was born. Fortunately when I got on my back to push the pain went away and I didn’t feel pain with her coming out. I was in labor at the hospital from about 7am to 5:57 when she was born. She was 7 lbs 15 oz and 19.2 inches long.