Issue from anal?

Please don’t make fun as I’m not even sure it has to do with this but here goes. A few years ago my husband and I tried anal. Spice things up a bit. It was fine and we always made sure to use a lot of lube. It just wasn’t for me after a couple of times so we stopped.

Ever since then I’ll notice that if I don’t lotion up a ton or if it’s the TWW and I’m more dry down there, BMs will be very uncomfortable. Like the area gets too dry and doesn’t stretch 🤷🏻‍♀️ like it should. Sometimes to the point where I feel a pinch at the opening and there will be a little pink on the paper. I saw a gastroenterologist once and they said everything looked fine and I just needed more fiber.

I eat a balanced diet and make sure to have good fiber in it. Anyone else have this problem? I’m so damn embarrassed. It doesn’t happen all the time but when I’m more dry I notice it happening more.

Thanks for your help!!