5hr abdominal pain...😕 What does this mean?

So yesterday morning I woke up very nauseous I couldn't eat anything or the smell of food made me sick. I went to use the restroom and I had some peachy color discharge I didn't think much of it. But than at night around 6-7pm I started getting very strong pain on my abdomen and a lot of pressure the pain was on and off for 5hrs I tried laying down and relax but I was still getting pain and mild pain on my lower back, it was so hard for me to go to sleep, the baby was moving so I wasn't as worried.

This morning I woke up fine I used the restroom everything was okay, I came home from dropping of my daughter at school, I had to pee, when I wiped it was a very light brown color. What does this mean? I told my husband if I start getting pain again like last night I will go to the hospital. Btw I'm 29w and 5days.