Early-Labor Contractions


Moms who have had children before! How did it go? This is my second and with my first I was induced. So everything I am feeling now at home, was in the hospital and he was born within 24 hours of beginning of induction.

I have had a couple big/more painful contractions spaced out between the mild/achey contractions and I am still at work as an assistant daycare teacher which tends to get things going as well. I have a very minimal amount of pink discharge on the panty liners I’ve been wearing to keep track of things but no mucusy stuff, no water breaking, no heavier contractions.

If my water broke, would the heavier contractions start after that? How can I get things progressing a bit quicker? This baby is huge and needs to come out! His predicted weight as of 2 weeks ago was 7lb 7oz by U/S which I know isn’t always accurate but I was 9lb 6oz and dad was 10lb 3oz so it IS quite possible he is already that big!

Tried sex, evening primrose oil, walking, working, playing soccer with my son yesterday, nothing is making it feel like it could be within days or hours!