Acupressure to jump start labor?

Jolanta • Expecting our little #1, happily married 😊

I’m 39+4w with absolutely no signs of labor approaching. On Monday I had my OB appt and was told I was still a 1cm and thick (that makes no progress for the past 3 weeks). Last night I had asked my husband for a back rub bc I had a huge nesting urge yesterday and spent the entire day cleaning the house spotless. I got the idea of looking into pressure point massages since I remembered being told to avoid certain areas all throughout the pregnancy. So my husband attempted to do the ankle pressure points (he looked so clueless and really felt like he wasn’t really doing anything and then gave up after about 15 min). I was hoping it would of been enough though and that I would at least get some BH or cramping or anything but nope not a single thing. The reviews looked so promising! So I wanted to know if anyone has tried this and it worked for them? I’m thinking of doing the pressure points myself throughout the day. Also if it did work for you how long did you do it for?