I just don’t understand


So for a while now my baby has been measuring 3-4 weeks ahead in both fundal height and ultrasound measurements. While I understand that the measurements aren’t always accurate I just don’t get how my doctor won’t even talk about early induction or even a scheduled c section. I am 38+4 and baby is weighing in at over 8 pounds and measuring at 42 weeks. I had no preconceived notion that my child would be small because I was 9lbs 4oz and my boyfriend was close to 9lbs. At every appointment my doctor has been like well you know you really should consider a c section and think about how hard labor might be. I’ve told them I’d do a c section so if that’s going to be the plan why can’t we set a date for it now or talk about sending me in for induction to try. I am so over being pregnant only because I am so uncomfortable and not sleeping.