Need help!


Okay ladies I need some advice. My step dad’s step mom has given me many boxes containing things from his fathers life (he passed back in 2009). I guess his step mom is just getting around to cleaning out the garage.

My parents live in a different state than her and I so I have been driving to her house and picking up these boxes and was supposed to send them to my parents, and then they would go through them and send him to his brother. Well, there are about 50 boxes all full to the top, very heavy (some containing things like crystal or china) and are very expensive to send.

In comes my step dads brother who lives maybe an hour away from me. He is demanding I send boxes that are worth something and that all he got was crap (pictures) that nobody cares about because he’s not in them. He has threatened several times to come to my house and take the boxes himself( he has a violent past). He’s accused my husband and I of theft and says he will get a lawyer involved.

So I guess I’m wondering if someone can come to your house with a lawyer and take things that are only half theirs (half my step dads). Or if because I’ve had these things in my possession for over 30 days and they are in my house if I own them until sent.

Note: my husband and I are only 21. My parents said that they would reimburse us for the cost of shipping but gathering the money to send these stupid boxes is the problem.