TW🚨 9 year old commits suicide after being bullied


I saw this on FB today and tragically a 9 year old girl committed suicide after she was constantly bullied and bring teased for being black.

The mother says the girl has been bullied the entire school year and according to her nothing was ever done.

Do you believe the school is to blame? Should the mother have considered taking her daughter out of that school if it was going on for that long? Could there have been underlying depression involved.

A lot of the comments were blaming the mother for not removing her child from school since she was aware this was going on for so long.

I also started wondering if maybe the girl suffered with some sort of depression on top of being bullied. I feel like being bullied is one thing, but to commit suicide at such a young age, it’s just so tragic. I’m not saying she should have been bullied, but i guess I’m just trying to grasp at another reason of why she would do this. Nine years old IMO is pretty young to be feeling like this.