DCYF question.

I’m pregnant & my so and i got into an argument tonight. We live in his moms apartment, pay the rent, food & electric.. (might as well have our own at this point) anyways, we got into an argument & she called the police!!! They came & spoke to the both of us & was asking if it got physical. (Which it didn’t) nor was there marks or any breaking stuff it was literally a verbal argument. When the police officer was talking to me she said she had a different story? Which idk what that would be seeing as his mom wasn’t even in the room.. but They left but I’m wondering if once the baby’s born if they’ll bring DCYF into our baby’s life? I’m terrified now ☹️ I’m also on probation from a past issue i had. But no one was arrested, they just told us to take a break for the night and that was it. Does anyone know if DCYF would get involved once the baby’s here??? Please not judgments. I’ve had a long night & stressing about this.