Went in for my 39 week appointment, to include an ultrasound to measure fluids

Stephanie 👰🏼👨🏻‍⚖️👦🏼👦🏼👶🏼🤰🏼🐈🦮🐔🐠
Went in for my 39 week appointment, to include an ultrasound to measure fluids. Well my 38 week appointment my fluids were 12. 39 week they dropped to 2! My doctor sent me straight to L&D to be induced. 
We did 2 doses of cytotec and then inserted a balloon.  The balloon did great and I got an epidural at about 11pm and was 6cm displayed when it came out just after 11. We go through the night with minimal progress and fetal distress. 
At 5am I am an 8, so barely getting anywhere. I ask at this time how long we are going to wait to see what happens. We start pitocin at 9am after still no progress. 
Come noon, I’ve made it to 9cm dialated but the baby has yet to drop into the birth canal and progress is still slow and contractions have slowed down and are getting weaker. We do all sorts of position changes and spinning babies moves and nothing seems to be helping. 
We then discuss the possibility of a c section (which I had figured out at 5am). We wait a bit longer after upping the pitocin and then head for a c section at 3pm. 
Baby was born via cesarean section at 15:15 on 12/12, 7lbs and 20inches. 
He was sunny side up and was not able to enter the birth canal, so we made the right choice. 
♥️ Oxley Malcolm ♥️