Just need to vent...

I'm writing this because I just needed to get out the feelings I'm having in a place with people that understand. My husband and I want nothing more in this world than to have kids. We got married 6 months ago and have been trying ever since (even debated having kids before we got married). I was on BC for 15 years (6 of which I had no period at all) so coming off of that I have been anything but regular. In the past 6 months I have had 3 periods, the last one brought on by meds my dr gave me. Along with those meds he also gave me clomid. I'm supposed to get my period today, and I took a pregnancy test yesterday morning and of course it was negative. Who knows if it's cause my periods are so irregular and it was just too soon, but I'm just feeling very defeated. I know it was only my first clomid cycle and we can try again, I just feel like my body is letting me down. And I had such hope this month since all the meds made me so "regular". All I want to do is cry over the whole thing. Thank you all for letting me get that out.