What’s the deal???

Deb • Just a Broadway musician traveling for a living and trying to have a normal life too *The Sound of Music National Tour*

So I am 27, I have never in my life had regular periods. This past summer it seemed like they may have started to become more regular, but then I went 2 and a half months without one and it seems my period has been trying to start for a couple weeks now, with very minimal bleeding which is strange for me when it’s been more than 2 months without a period. I’ve had ultrasounds and tests done and my doctor has said it looks like I show signs of PCOS (my mom did as well), but I have never really struggled with weight or excess hair so my doctor decided to rule that out. However, my fiancé and I want to try and get pregnant as soon as possible after we get married, and I’m now starting to worry that I will never find out what is causing my irregularity. I haven’t used BC since college and yet I’ve never been pregnant. No idea if I even ovulate. Is there anyone else out there that has a similar story that may know a bit more on what could be wrong?

I have to say that when I do get my periods, they are BAD. Like, my last one kept me home for 3 days because I was bleeding so much, I basically could only go from the bedroom to the bathroom and that was it. I never have any kind of pain, just a severe pressure-like feeling when I am about to pass a clot. I really want to get pregnant in the next 2 years!