So discouraged.

Lately my 1-year-old has been 24/7 exhausting. He’d been sleeping good but suddenly he is waking up all hours of the night screaming, he wakes up like an hour earlier than he used to every morning, and then he’s crabby all day because he’s not getting enough sleep and his nap schedule is totally thrown off by him waking up so early. And no matter how hard I try to get him back on some semblance of a schedule he just wakes up super early. I’m at my wit’s end. I can’t get the rest I need at night which makes his constant crabbiness during the day even harder to deal with. He used to be very independent and easy-going. Now he’s not happy unless I’m literally sitting RIGHT next to him or holding him. He’s so, so clingy. If I try to go into the kitchen to make breakfast or do the dishes, he cries until I come back. If I try to eat breakfast in the same room as him he stands next to me and cries because I don’t want to hold him and try to eat at the same time. I don’t know how much longer I can take this. I keep thinking maybe he’s teething or it will get better but it’s been like this for days, weeks even. I feel like I’m caring for a newborn again. Everyone talks about the terrible 2s but no one warned me about the terrible 1s.