Help! Pushy FIL coming to visit when I’ll be 15-18 weeks...

Long post, sorry!

FTM currently 8w5d. My FIL who is obsessed with having grandkids and is very old fashioned about most things is coming to visit from Hong Kong in January for 3 weeks. At that point I’ll be 15-18 weeks along.

We were planning on telling the in-laws after 20 weeks, but that might be tough depending on how much I show.

I’m not ashamed of showing that I’m pregnant, I’m just scared he’s going to make a huge fuss of me and try to control my life for the full 3 weeks he’s here if he finds out.

We’re also not finding out gender because he wants a boy grandson so badly I’m concerned he’d blame me if I’m carrying a girl.

Anyone else had any similar experiences? I’d love any help from you amazing mamas.