Induction Birth Story


Due to Gallbladder Disease, I was induced with my second pregnancy at 39+3 last week on 12/4/18. I went in at 7am and was at 3cm and 80% effaced. We started pitocin at 8:45am and then I took to walking and bouncing on my exercise ball. I was feeling some twinges, but nothing consistent. At 12:45pm, I was at 4cm and he decided to break my water. I then took to walking again. I was starting to have regular contractions, but nothing painful enough. At 3pm I was still at 4cm, so we turned off pitocin for an hour and I did lunges and step ups for an hour until they restarted the pitocin. Once they turned the pitocin back on, things picked up very quickly. I walked from 4pm until about 5:30, joking with the nurses and pausing every 3 minutes for a contraction. My husband and doula were taking turns massaging my back during contractions and it was extremely helpful. At 5:40, my MIL brought my 16 month old up to say good night and we shared a popsicle. They left around 6pm because I was in noticeable pain and my daughter was clearly distressed at seeing me in pain. They checked me at 6pm and I was still at 4cm. I did some squatting and swaying and was to the point of moaning and crying through every contraction. At 8pm, I decided to try some IV pain meds because I was just SO tired. They had to check me before giving me a dose and I was at 5cm. It took the edge off, but I was still miserable in pain and I couldn't stand anymore. At 8:30pm I caved and asked for the epidural, mostly because I was afraid I would be too tired to push since I was progressing so slowly. It took them about an hour to get it going, and my doula had to hold my shoulders still while I squeezed my husband's hand so hard that he's still bruised a week later 😳😳, but the epidural went smoothly (it was a nightmare with my first and I still have residual numbness from my first epidural) and I was able to start relaxing. At 9:45pm I was 6cm, so they turned my pitocin down. I fell asleep at 9:50pm, and woke up at 10:31pm to a feeling of pressure. I dismissed it and tried to go back to sleep, but then I felt the pressure again, so we called the nurse. I then started shaking profusely(which I did during transition with my first) so we rushed the nurses. I had a student check me first and said I was at 8cm, so I was feeling discouraged. Then the supervisor checked me and said that we needed to call my doctor ASAP because baby was coming! Luckily he hadn't gone home yet (which he promised me he wouldn't until she was born so that was cool) and he got to my room at 10:45pm. I pushed through 5 contractions and baby girl basically came out on her own once her head was out at 10:58pm. I had no tears or issues at all and baby nursed great immediately, which was a very different experience from my first birth. Baby girl was 8lbs 7oz and 20 inches long. She's absolutely perfect and is the easiest baby ever. We are so blessed.