
Melissa • First Glow baby in December 2016, just found out I'm pregnant again and due in March 2019.

Okay so I had a weird reading at my 3 hour glucose test. They said I was really high on some and normal on others, so they are treating me as if I don't have Gestational Diabetes, but I still have to do blood work at every appointment from now on to be sure. That's all fine and good. Anyways, lately, I've noticed that I am insatiably thirsty. There is no amount of water that I can drink without still feeling like I'm absolutely dehydrated. I'm talking more than a gallon in a day and I still feel like I haven't had a sip. I haven't noticed any differences in urine output or anything like that, but I never had this problem with my daughter either. I called my doctor and mentioned it just in case it is a sign of something, but is this normal? I have read that diabetics have extreme thirstiness (is that even a word), so the fact that I'm so borderline for having it has me concerned.