Workout help!

Breanna • Jayce's mom💙 2 Babies in Heaven 👼👼; Don't take shit from petty ass bitches 💁🏼‍♀️

Hi ladies, I'm new to this whole working out thing so I need some help. My goal weight is 125-130. So I need to lose about 30 pounds. I don't want it to take forever for me to lose the weight because I'm really impatient lol. I have a 10 month old so I just workout at home because it's easier for the both of us. I started working out Monday of this week * I'll add a picture of what I've been doing. Stopped drinking pop, only drinking water now. Plus counting calories. What else do I need to do to lose this weight, and fast!

I do this every day. I do it once in the morning and once at night