17 week scan


How accurate is a gender scan at 17 weeks, boy and she seemed to find it quickly...I also should mention I didn't see the photo just peeked at the screen really quick and saw her put the "it's a boy" on.... Husband doesn't know I peeked and is convinced we are having another girl... We had to go see a high risk Dr to check my cervix after a leep, so we peeked at baby and she took some measurements and found the gender, we were wanting to tell our parents at Christmas but don't want to be like.. Nevermind it's really a girl... she said everything looks good ans we shouldn't have any surprises at anatomy scan (Jan 7) but with having a previous miscarriage before my daughter was born there is always that nervous feeling. We will be 20 weeks at christmas and I am still anxious to announce besides immediate family. Have a regular appointment Monday, no ultrasound, so maybe I will be more comfortable after that.