Venting 😓 sorry long story

My so Grandma is 88 years old but she is super alert doesn't even look like she is 88 years old. She seems perfectly fine with her health besides her having awful falls where she can't be alone anymore. She has over 18 grandchildren and about 20 kids that live in different states. Well apparently nobody has the time to care for her. My so asked me if I can help him take care of his grandmother and I said yes of course since I wasn't working at the moment. Well my mom volunteered to help me out to give my so grandma help and company I get up at 5am to give my so breakfast and lunch sometimes. Then I get the kids ready for school I take them to school at 7am then I come home to get ready quick just shower them I get to my so mom house about 8:30 - 9:00am I would be the one who made breakfast at first all of a sudden grandma started complaining the my food was salty or something was wrong with it so my mom started cooking for her I was the one who would bring the food over so we could eat we gave her a bath in the kitchen because she couldn't get inside the bath tub due to her injuries when she fell down. She started to feel better and love around and she started to get inside the shower well she wanted my mom to do that as well.i was in charge to take her to her doctors appointment make sure her madication were taken at the correct time she has multiple medications. I would inject her with insulin ext: I clean time to time but it was not my responsibility to be a made and clean the whole 2 story house I was there to make sure grandma would not fall and make sure she was eating and give her company I clean the mess we did or when we cooked the basic. Then I have to leave grandma house at 3:30pm because my kids get out at 4:00pm from school. Then Tuesday and Thursday they both had football and volleyball practice I would have to pick my daughter up at 4:00pm from school to travel 40 minutes away for volleyball practice. Then normal regular days after picking the kids up from school I would go back to my so mother to continue to take care of her until her daughter decided to get home from work. Mind you she is a teacher and she works 5 minutes away from her house and she gets out at 2 PM but would always get home at 6pm when I would pick my kids up from school I drive by her school every day and her car was never there. Well yesterday my son had a music performance and I invited grandma but she said no then I waited for my so to get there and he told her to come then she did we had 2 separate cars so I left before him because he was getting his grandma in his car and she started complaining to him about me how I never do anything I'm lazy and my mom always due everything.

My so got so mad and offended she would say that because he knows that's not true he told her in the most nicest way that it wasn't true I do more then enough and out of all her grandkids and sons daughters I been the one doing the most. Well when my so seen me he told me what his grandmother had said to him and I told him to just leave it alone she is old and for him not to get mad at her because she will get sad because she loves my so. Well when we went to dropped my so grandma off to his mother home my so tried to vent to his mother and told her what grandma told him and then his mother agreed and said well it the true jazmin dont do anything her mother does everything and my so said well since my grandmother is saying Jazmin is not doing anything and she is just lazy and you agree he told them I will not continue to come that she would need to figure out who will start taking care of her and her mom got so mad she told him you think you can take that responsibility away from you then guess what I'm taking away the truck and you figure out how Jazmin will be moving around now. She asked my so to take over her truck payments because she couldn't afford the payments and he gave me truck to get around then my so was so offended telling her that she and grandmother were ungrateful we did the most to be there for both and help them out but it was never enough for them. Well last night he went to dropped the truck off and they are trying to turn everything around and make my so feel bad that he is choosing me over them which that's not the case I would never allow suck thing my so was hurt they didn't recognize they are wrong for what they said this morning I dropped my so off to work then I had to take my mother over to continue helping them because they can't leave grandma alone but i.feel so hurt in now they never liked me but I just brush it off I always tried my best I am only 28 years old I have a life but I wanted to help grandma out and be inside a home all day. They said I don't do anything but even though I will no longer continue to go over I will still take my time to take my mother she doesn't drive.

What should I do his family is to much just being around them feels so heavy and negative.

Edith: I'm sorry I just wrote this I didn't go back to edith I know it doesn't make sense I just wanted to let it out I know my story is hard to understand.

Fyi my so mother couldn't afford the tuck so she handed it over to my husband and he been making all the payments for the past 3 years and he gave me the truck but since he got mad she decided it's her truck again. The point is the way they acted is not even about the truck