Please HELP (long)

Me and my SO welcomed our son into this world a little over a year and a half ago. We lived with his mom basically the first whole year of his life. Between me and her we had a few fights, just petty stuff over how you do things differently with how you are raised. The worst of which started after my son was born... A few days after he was born she yelled at me for not allowing her to spend enough time with him and went out into the courtyard of our apartment to cry and talk on the phone with my SO's father. Mind you she saw him everyday and held him for over an hour.... She once again two weeks after I had him basically forced me to go to her family's mothers day celebration rather than what I had planned with just spending some time with my mom and staying home and relaxing... So in going anywhere with her on occasion she would rip my son out of my arms and start handing him off to people. I started pushing her away after she started demanding my son everyday multiple times a day and getting mad when she didn't get him. We got kicked out for the first time and had to stay in our car in March a month before my birthday and his birthday. She got into fight with me on my birthday because I was changing my son's diaper and she decided to get him hyper and I asked her not to. The following month fir mothers day she told my SO's aunt no come down spend time with us after being diagnosed with cance. Well the whole time she made it about herself she was starting to take my son away from his great aunt and just making a big deal about everything she actually got into a fight with me in front of her and yelled at me. The same month a few weeks later my son was sick and I didn't want anyone to to mess with him and she worked in a hospital so I didn't really wanted her kissing on him or anything like that. She wasn't listening to me and so I just shut down and say do what you want you are never going to listen to anything I say. She then right away to call me disrespectful. I told her I think we should talk about how our relationship is going we need to fix things and she said well you can call your dad or your granny and they can some over and we can speak. I said no I am an adult I can speak for myself without involving other people. She then went off on me and started yelling in my face. I walked away to look for my shoes to walk out the house annd get away from her. She yelled at me to go to my fucking room and then proceeded to throw the couch and kick a doggy gate into my ankles. I decided to walk back to my room she grabbed my arm and shoved me with my son in my arms. In which I decided to lock myself in my bathroom and she continued to bang on the door and break holes into it by kicking it. I forgot to mention the only reason I had my son in my arms the whole entire time. Well we got kicked out again but I lived with my mom after that for a month. We had to go back because she was moving and we didn't have many options. Well since we were back she continued to yell at me and the last fight we had she called me a psycho.. We have our own apartment and she moved to another city. She now is coming back for Christmas and expects to stay with us and her dog to stay with us... But I don't know if I want any of that... I would rather her stay somewhere else... what do i do...