Diagnosed today 😕 I need some opinions and advice !!!

Anna 🥀🌙 • {25}SAHW 💍❤️ Pregnant with my Rainbow EDD 08-18-2025 🌈👼🏻✨ PCOS 💙

So today after 5 long years of irregular periods going from bleed every month all month to going months with out a period , I was finally diagnosed by my lovely new obgyn she said I should have been diagnosed years ago but sadly everytime I was tested they just went off my blood sugar not that I was having painful cysts regularly or the fact my period have never been regular or that I have to wax/shave my face every 2 days . Thank god for this obgyn I swear she’s my guardian angel 💕 I was given to choices of treat me and honestly it’s hard to choose cause both options aren’t that great so I’ve really appreciate some opinions and advice especially since I’m new to this condition. My first option was custom birth control pills but even tho they would be custom to my hormones I could still get all the regular side effects like high blood pressure , weight gain , and acne . I’ve been on the pill before not custom but just what the my primary care prescribed and it gave me the three side effects I listed above . Also she didn’t mention this but I’ve read the horror stories on this app where women who have pcos that took the pill till they wanted kids and instead of ovulation happening soon after stopping the pill they still had to struggle for years to get pregnant, and that scares me cause isn’t it very common for most cycles to be anovulatory?? so I don’t want to make it harder on myself to get pregnant when I’m ready . My second option is too take provera every 21 days for a week to make my period start and to insure that all my lining sheds cause another issue I was having is my uterus wasnt shedding properly which caused excess lining and made me have horrible excruciating cramps through out each month and during sex. She said i could track my ovulation each month and make sure to not have unprotected sex when I get positive opks but it’s not guaranteed that I wouldn’t get pregnant like with birth control. For the past year me and my so have been doing the whole trying but not trying thing cause we figured that I wouldn’t get pregnant for a while cause of all the issues I was having that turned out to be pcos but in May 3 months after I had given up on birth control to help me cause I was still having horrible cramps I ended up having a chemical pregnancy/early miscarriage. After the miscarriage we were devastated but also realized we should wait a few more years before having kids so I was in the process of going back on birth control when my cycles started going crazy so I went to a new obgyn (today) and I was finally diagnosed. Sorry for such a long post but I would really appreciate your opinions and advice on what to do if you were in my situation 🙌👌🤞