
I had sex without a condom but he definitely pulled out and didn’t cum for at least 30 secs after pulling out and he had to jerk it off a lol before he did Bc I may be a bit of a tease and blue balled him for a little while and he was for sure he didn’t cum inside me. I took the morning after pill less than 24 hours after just to be safe cause I’m not on birth control. Later that night I drank some but I saw that didn’t effect it. I got into a pretty bad car accident on Monday and totaled my car which has my body feeling sore but about a day before that my body was feeling crampy down in my lower stomach and they feel like period cramps I normally have but a bit more tolerable which they are sometimes tolerable and normally not ever super painful. After the accident the cramps are still here and I had bruising on my breasts from the seatbelt impact but also my nipples are sore to the touch and I’m a little bit bloated but I also haven’t been eating great soooo. We did it two days before I was “fertile” as well. I don’t get my period till Dec. 22nd but I’m so nervous and my anxiety is at an all time high because the accident, no longer having a car, and now this. Could I be pregnant? I looking up implantation cramps and that happens 8-12 days after ovulation and right now it’s day 4 after ovulation so it wouldn’t make sense....if it helps I also am sore in my upper abdomen but I’m not sure if it’s accident damage or what??