A girl needing some advice ! (Sorry it’s a long story)

Hello ladies ! I have a story for everyone and I need some advice for my very complicated situation. Please no sugar coating anything !

So I will start off with the beginning I met my ex-boyfriend over a year ago and usually for me I’m very picky and quite honestly I get very bored very quick. It was our senior year of highschool and I really didn’t like him at first but the more we talked the more interested I was. There was just something about him that just mesmerized me. (Sounds stupid and girly but whatever 😂) While dating everything was actually pretty good. Until he left for Arizona on a vacation to see some of his family. Once he came back he decided he wanted to go into the military. Now please no one get offended I respect everyone who goes into the military. But for my situation I was shocked and confused. Never once did he want to go into the military he even told me he wouldn’t. But his cousin came back from technical training and basically his whole family wanted him to go so he’s whole plans switched up. That’s when things went downhill. He felt that being in a relationship with me wasn’t fair to either of us. Which I get but at the same time, I really truly feel that he’s the person I am supposed to be with. I’ve dated before and been “in love” so to speak but this feeling I haven’t felt for anyone but him. Well long story short one thing led to another and we broke up. Didn’t talk for about 3 months. Then I get a call from him, (keep in mind when we broke up there was a lot of questions that I wanted to ask and I was curious about that never got answered) I answered the call and we agreed to meeting up and we talked over EVERYTHING. All my questions got answered and his questions for me got answered. I think our time apart was needed for us because we were both truthful. Now we instantly started doing things that we used to do as a couple. This was back in August, now his ship out date was November 13. A month goes by and he basically asked me like what are we doing? I honestly in my head was thinking the same question. So basically he gave the options of being his friend or cutting him off because there wasn’t enough time for us in a sense to rebuild. So I cut him off because no way in hell can I be his friend. So I was pissed said somethings I probably shouldn’t have said. Then October goes by and November comes and I wake up to 8 texts 3 missed calls from him. So I text back like what do you want? Of course me being the bitch I am 🤦🏼‍♀️ and he told me he didn’t want end things on a bad note before he left so I said okay we met up again and he basically broke everything down for me. Because when he gave me those two options I was more mad at the fact that I thought he didn’t really ever want to be with me but I also had to understand he’s leaving. Well he told me he wants to continue what we have and wants to be with me he just wants to make sure that this is something I really want. He told me that while he’s at boot camp I am allowed to do my “own thing”. OBVIOUSLY THATS NOT WHAT I WANT. But he said I can’t tell you to wait for me because it’s not my place. So now we are here on December 13 me waiting. I will be honest I have kept an open mind but I feel bad like I’m cheating even though we aren’t officially together. We are going to clarify everything once he’s out of boot camp and talk about if we will officially get back together. I guess my point out of all of this is, do you think that this relationship is something possible? Any military girls out there that went through this or at least something similar ?

I really truly in my heart feel like this can work and I want it to he’s been a big part of my life and I’m a Virgin and he’s been one of the only guys that didn’t look at me like I’m an item. It was always when you’re ready to do something you let me know. I know I’m young and only 19 but I feel like it will work. I think I just need someone to tell me I’m crazy or I’m right about my gut feeling. But for the fact that he even continues to tell me and was honest in the fact that we both tried to get over each other and it just didn’t work at all. He said the same thing I’m telling you all that he feels that I’m the person he is supposed to be with too.

I know I’m important because he has already called me on the times he’s been given a chance to call a loved one. And I actually just got a letter from him today! But ya any advice is good for me so thank you for whoever reads this I really appreciate it ! :)