Gun control vs being an asshole


The title doesn’t explain it very good, but my husband and I were talking tonight because we saw a commercial on tv telling people to know the signs of a possible shooter. Well my husband pipes up and says, how about you focus more on people being assholes and then we may actually fix the problem. So that got me thinking.

Do you think that mass shootings, like school shootings, could be prevented more if we focused more on bullying and being nicer to one another? It does seem that most school shootings occur because a student felt provoked by other students. Do you think if everyone was nicer to each other, this would actually reduce shootings?

I know we always talk about gun control and that subject has kind of been beaten to death with no real progress being made so this is a different way to look at things.

Quick edit: as someone said I’m not trying to oversimplify this problem. But it seems like nothing is really changing about gun control so maybe we need to explore other options, on top of gun control.