Not a priority? Am I wrong? Advice?

Lately, I’ve been feeling like I am not taken as a priority by my boyfriend instead I am being taken for granted. We’re in a long distance relationship and have been for several months now. We’ve worked through it and will be in the same place again next semester (upcoming January).

I stayed home and did online school this past semester due to medical issues. And, he plays football. So, we’re two busy people. I was taking 18 credit hours and working a part-time job yet I still traveled every single weekend to visit him (2 hours away). And, over the summer while we we’re out of school, I still worked but would go and stay at his house for five days at a time. I would request days off from work and missed out on so much time with my family.

Now that it’s winter break and we both do not have jobs as we both needed to relax, I initially thought we would be able to spend much more time together. But, he says that he needs to work out every weekday for three hours and then will come to his house and workout with me for thirty minutes. The other day, he worked out from 2:30-5:30. We also had a date planned that kept getting pushed back because he kept ‘forgetting’. I texted him during his workout reminding him about the date so that he could get home in a timely manner and be able to shower. He says he didn’t see the text. Y’all. He was texting me back. I know he saw the text. He gets home and his mom came home shortly after. He said we would go on our date over the weekend and I said fine because I was already worked up. His mom INSISTED he took me out because he kept promising. If his mom didn’t make him, we would’ve never gone on a date. But, the fact that his mom had to tell him to prioritize me, made me feel crappy. (This has happened MORE THAN FIVE TIMES)

He also says he can only come to my house on the weekends because he’s too busy on the weekdays (he doesn’t have a job, all he does is workout with his friends). And, I have a gym here!!! He can workout where I live!!! And, he expects me to be able to go to his house whenever and do whatever he wants. I just don’t feel important anymore. Am I wrong for feeling this way?