
So I was supposed to start Monday December 10th. My period still hasn't came. But my breasts hurt like it normally does before my period comes. I've taken a pregnancy test and it was negative. But 2 days ago I was wiping and saw just a little bit of tinged brown mucus like stuff. It made me think of implantation bleeding but I'm already 4 days past when my period was supposed to start. I'm so confused. I'm TTC and my period has been off since July but before then I was always regular. My OBGYN says that he does not think I have PCOS since I've always been regular up until July of this year. I've been getting periods since I was 13. I never have any cramping or awful PMS symptoms except for sore boobs. I've also been really wet this past week. What could that be? It's like clear and sometimes watery wet. I have OPKs too and I'm not ovulating so I'm confused about that as well. HELP ME.