Itchy vagina

Hey guys. Basically it's my inner area that's been a little itchy recently like just past the urethra before my vagina opening. I'm super dry down there at the moment, hardly any discharge. I googled what it may be and it said that potentially washing your vagina with certain products could be the cause- I have changed body washes recently but it hasn't been itchy for all that time. I'd say it started around a month ago, no pain or burning, I haven't cut anything shaving, it doesn't really look inflamed according to my partner or any different than normal. It's also not itchy all the time, maybe a few times a day and most noticeable at night.

Any idea on what it could be? Or any ways to help relieve the itchiness a little bit??

EDIT. I have high prolactin levels and I've read up that high prolactin decreases estrogen and low estrogen causes vaginal dryness and irritation is this correct???