Worried about feeling judged if nurses are resistant to taking my baby to nursery...


This has really been bothering me since yesterday when we had our hospital tour. Our tour guide informed us that while the hospital does have a nursery, they discourage it's use. Okay. I'm on baby #4 and had my 3 other children at a different hospital and they did not have an issue with taking them to the nursery overnight and bringing them to me to nurse. I found this time to rest after birth invaluable in recovery and my sanity.

I am really nervous now that I will be met with resistance should I want baby to go to the nursery and I know in my raw state after birth I'm going to feel insecure and judged, like I am a bad parent for wanting some rest (which I know I am not). Ugh, it is really giving me bad anxiety. I don't see why they would keep the nursery if they don't want people to use it! And they made no mention of this on their website virtual tour so I feel blindsided.