Another bfn :(


Well from what I can tell it looks like I'm still getting negatives :,( I'm sad, broken, and starting to lose hope. I didnt even chart this last cycle that much trying to keep my mind off trying so hard and I guess that gave me more hope then it should have. It's been almost a year now and a very long and hard one at that. I know that's not as long as some of you ladies whose been trying but it's still a very large chunk of time for anyone you know? My first pregnancy we tried for 8 months and second pregnancy we only tried for a few days and boom! I guess we held this one to high standards. " oh I must be super fertile itll happen quick like last time"... nope. Hang in there girls we will get our bfp some day. Just not today for me.. encouraging words would be greatly appreciated if you feel like dropping some below.