Morning sickness help


Good morning ladies. I realized something this morning that I wanted to share.

I’m just over 7 weeks and the last two days I’ve been feeling pretty good. Suspiciously good. Very little nausea or queasiness, though some did crop up in the afternoon and evening. I was honestly worried about my baby I felt so good.

But this morning I stopped cold when I was cutting up a banana to put in my cereal. I realized that this is what I’ve been doing differently the last few days. I’ve been putting some banana in my cereal. Bananas have high potassium and vitamin B6, both of which (I’ve discovered after some research) can help combat nausea.

I was dealing with daily discomfort, but I wasn’t puking all day like some poor souls do - it may not be a miracle but I suspect it’s helping me, and I’m hopeful it might help someone else too!

If you can stomach it, see if you can get some banana down! It might help!