Any one else lay awake at night thinking?

Emma • I’m 34 a 16yo daughter. I have a very complicated story. My daughter lives with her dad and I am now desperate for baby number 2. Had a traumatic miscarriage Nov 2017 and then another miscarriage Nov 2018 and now I’m ready to try again 🌈

I’m not even pregnant yet after the miscarriage in November but I cant seem to sleep properly at the mo. All I seem to do is lay awake thinking up baby names and thinking about how I will announce it when it does happen and all the other fine details we think about etc. It’s driving me a little nuts. 🤪 went to bed at 1am lay there until 4:30 tossing and turning so got up and made a cup of tea and cuddled the dog in the living room for a bit. Ended up going back to bed at 7am and it still took a good while to fall asleep. 😩 All I want to do is switch off and sleep 😴 I want this rainbow 🌈 to happen so much I can’t get it out of my head.