Natural BFP after doctors said we’d need IVF


Miracle of miracles is what I’m calling this pregnancy!

I just found out that I’m pregnant after 20 cycles of trying. We just found out last month that my husband had 0% morphology. For those of you who haven’t had the joy of analyzing a semen analysis, that basically means that 100% of the sperm were defective and 0% were ideal for penetrating eggs. 😒

We were heartbroken and met with the fertility clinic about starting treatments. We were scheduled for an <a href="">IUI</a> next month and we’d follow up with IFV if we needed to.

My OB said we had a very low chance of every conceiving naturally again. This was hard to hear since we conceived naturally once before and have a beautiful son who just turned 2 in September.

In the waiting, we didn’t time sex, didn’t chart cycles, and I didn’t even sit upside down with a pillow under my butt for 20 mins after BD. 😉🤞 To be honest, I was really just hopelessly waiting for my period to come so that we could begin treatment.

When my period was a week late my husband urged me to go buy a test so I did and it was positive!!! We’re over the moon excited!!

If you’re going through infertility, low (or no) morphology, or just plain tired of waiting, this post is for you!

When the doctors said there was no way, God made a way. Here’s to a healthy 9 months for this sticky bean! 💙💖